We offer a variety of wood plugs, sometimes referred to as bungs, that can be used to give that finished look to your wood furniture, flooring, decking, and of course to fill the countersunk screw holes in your wooden boat project. All of our plugs are made from unfinished hardwood, and are ready to be cut, sanded, stained, and otherwise finished to give that seamless look on your woodworking project.
Our plugs are face grain and straight sided, with a slight chamfer on one end to help ease them in to your countersunk hole.
We have a wide variety of wood types available for our bungs, including many of the popular boatbuilding timbers. Be wary of any plugs that are sold simply as “Cedar, “Oak,” or “Mahogany” as of course there are many different oaks and cedars. They are available in:
- Teak
- Western Red Cedar
- White Oak
- South American Mahogany
- Philippine Mahogany
Order them individually, or order lots to get that Fair Wind Fasteners quantity discount.
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